Do you remember the saying that money makes the world go ’round? Well there is no question that saying is still correct but in the online world traffic makes the world go ’round more than money does.
Crazy statement right?
Not so and here is why.
The money means nothing if you don’t have the traffic. You can use the money to bring in the traffic but that just proves my point that traffic is more important because why else would you spend the money in the first place.
But let’s not talk about the money, we are here to talk about FREE web traffic.
There are many different ways to get free web traffic to your site but knowing another one will not hurt right? We can never have enough traffic.
My Free Web Traffic System
I’ve known about this for quiet some time but have stopped using it for an unknown reason. Well last night that changed and I already see good results from it.
So here is what you need to do.
Install OnlyWire plugin for your WordPress
OnlyWire is a website that offers auto posting of your published articles to about 50 different Web 2.0 properties. Well they also have WordPress plugin to make your life easier. You can download the plugin here or trough the search at your plugins section.
Create an Account with OnlyWire
Just go to and create an account, it takes 30 seconds to complete. Under “services” you will see a bunch of different web 2.0 sites.
Create Accounts on Each Web 2.0 Property
Well this will take a while but it is worth the time invested. No one said getting free web traffic is going to be easy.
Some of these properties are well known, such as Facebook, Delicious, Twitter, Digg etc. These are great authority sites and they are very important for both traffic and authority of your site; you will gain some great links.
Start Submitting Your Articles
Every time you post a new article, or update (there is an option for that), they will be automatically posted on all of these sites. You will gain a bunch of links very quickly.
It get’s better, read on.
The Real Deal
Almost every site on this list has a RSS feed. See where I’m going with this?
Collect your RSS feeds from each site and place them in one text file. If the site does not have RSS feed you can create one, either trough Yahoo Pipes or any other service readily available online.
After you have your list of about 50 RSS feeds you can go ahead and submit them to RSS directories
. How great is that?
I personally use RSS submit for this because its Free and gets the job done.You can download RSS Submit here —–>>> Allscoop-RSS-Submit-Pro.
Free Web Traffic Conclusion
Every time you publish and article you will automatically get 50 links. These 50 links are than moved to RSS feed which is also submitted to as many RSS directories as you wish.
To make the math easier just imagine you submitted your RSS to 100 directories; that’s 500 links and all you did was published an article and clicked submit button on RSS Submit.
I started doing this again last night about 10ppm, by the end of the night I already had 21 hits from Stumbleupon in 2 hours.
This morning I am seeing hits from Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, Twitter etc. Overall I gained about 7-10% in traffic so far and it’s only been one day. Imagine the possibilities if you use this long term.
There is also a similar post to this that I have written earlier called How to Get 3000 Backlinks in One Day. This post received great amount of interest so just skip trough it if you wish.
So I hope you liked this little free web traffic guide, I hope you take action and make it happen.