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Saturday 30 April 2011

Free Web Traffic

Do you remember the saying that money makes the world go ’round? Well there is no question that saying is still correct but in the online world traffic makes the world go ’round more than money does.
Crazy statement right?
Not so and here is why.
The money means nothing if you don’t have the traffic. You can use the money to bring in the traffic but that just proves my point that traffic is more important because why else would you spend the money in the first place.
But let’s not talk about the money, we are here to talk about FREE web traffic.
There are many different ways to get free web traffic to your site but knowing another one will not hurt right? We can never have enough traffic.

My Free Web Traffic System

I’ve known about this for quiet some time but have stopped using it for an unknown reason. Well last night that changed and I already see good results from it.
So here is what you need to do.

Install OnlyWire plugin for your WordPress

OnlyWire is a website that offers auto posting of your published articles to about 50 different Web 2.0 properties. Well they also have WordPress plugin to make your life easier. You can download the plugin here or trough the search at your plugins section.

Create an Account with OnlyWire

Just go to and create an account, it takes 30 seconds to complete. Under “services” you will see a bunch of different web 2.0 sites.

Create Accounts on Each Web 2.0 Property

Well this will take a while but it is worth the time invested. No one said getting free web traffic is going to be easy.
Some of these properties are well known, such as Facebook, Delicious, Twitter, Digg etc. These are great authority sites and they are very important for both traffic and authority of your site; you will gain some great links.

Start Submitting Your Articles

Every time you post a new article, or update (there is an option for that), they will be automatically posted on all of these sites. You will gain a bunch of links very quickly.
It get’s better, read on.

The Real Deal

Almost every site on this list has a RSS feed. See where I’m going with this?
Collect your RSS feeds from each site and place them in one text file. If the site does not have RSS feed you can create one, either trough Yahoo Pipes or any other service readily available online.
After you have your list of about 50 RSS feeds you can go ahead and submit them to RSS directories :) . How great is that?
I personally use RSS submit for this because its Free and gets the job done.You can download RSS Submit here —–>>> Allscoop-RSS-Submit-Pro.

Free Web Traffic Conclusion

Every time you publish and article you will automatically get 50 links. These 50 links are than moved to RSS feed which is also submitted to as many RSS directories as you wish.
To make the math easier just imagine you submitted your RSS to 100 directories; that’s 500 links and all you did was published an article and clicked submit button on RSS Submit.
I started doing this again last night about 10ppm, by the end of the night I already had 21 hits from Stumbleupon in 2 hours.
This morning I am seeing hits from Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, Twitter etc. Overall I gained about 7-10% in traffic so far and it’s only been one day. Imagine the possibilities if you use this long term.
There is also a similar post to this that I have written earlier called How to Get 3000 Backlinks in One Day. This post received great amount of interest so just skip trough it if you wish.
So I hope you liked this little free web traffic guide, I hope you take action and make it happen.

How to Find .edu and .gov Websites

Why are we looking for .edu and .gov sites you might ask? It’s simple. Google trusts those sites because they are used by the Government and schools, which, for the most part, are offering information to the people rather then trying to sell them something or scam them out of their money. Anyone can find .edu site, just type in .edu into Google and you will get a huge amount of them, 178 million to be exact. But finding those sites is not an issues, what we are trying to do is find the sites that will let us post out link on them. We want those backlinks because they are very valuable.
What we are essentially looking for here is blogs that we can post on. So some of you might get scared, “what if the Government comes knocking on my door” right. Don’t sweat, they have more important things to worry about, like two wars and the economy going down the toilet, than some kid posting link of some site all over their blogs. Well it’s safe unless you post links of pornographic sites, especially those tat involve children but I hope you are not that screwed up.
So we will be using good old Google to find those domains. There are different ways to this method but I will show you what works for me and then you can think of your own way to “hack” Google.
Method #1
Used to search for wordpress blogs
Go to Google and type this in:
1. inurl:”wp-admin” +login
2. inurl:wp-login.php +blog
3. inurl:wp-login.php +blog
Method #2
Used to search for typical keyword combination found on blogs
Go to Google and type this in:
1. “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed”
2. “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed”
3. inurl:(edu|gov) “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed”
Method #3
Go to Google and type this in:
1. inurl:blog “comment” -”you must be logged in” -”posting closed” -”comment closed” “keyword”
This is as simple as it gets. All you have to do now is go to each of these blogs, see where you can post a comment without login in, you can do that as well but it takes more time, and post your link. Also use either your website name or a keyword as a name when leaving a comment, unless there is a space for URL, because you can put anchor text to your site in your name and it will be almost unnoticeable to the admin of the blog.
Keep in mind that a lot of the blogs may use the no-follow attribute and Google will not pick up the backlink. This is too bad but Yahoo and the other search engines will. You will also have to spend time sifting through all the crappy PR0 student blogs and whatnot in order to find some decent PR blogs. This is why black hat can be time consuming to say the least.

3000 Backlinks In One Day

How To Get 3000 Backlinks In One Day

How To Get 3000 Backlinks In One DayBacklinks are one of the most important components of having a successful website therefore we need to pay particular attention to getting a lot of backlinks and making sure that they are relevant to our niche. So today I am going to show you a little trick that I learned recently and it is concerned with getting a lot of backlinks the easy way. This guide will explain how to get 3000 backlinks in one dayand it is one of the best backlinking strategies that I know off.
  1. Write 2 new articles, they don’t need to be anything extra but make sure they are at least 250 words long; I would suggest to make them at least 300 words to make them more relevant to your site.
  2. Find 20 free blog hosting sites, paid are fine as well but why spend money if you don’t need to. Example of free blog would be WordPress, Blogger, Yahoo360 etc.
  3. Create an account on each of these hosting sites and post your 2 articles and include 3 links to your site. I would suggest you spin your articles for every blog you post them on, to make them unique in Googles eyes.
  4. After you are done creating your blogs and posting your articles grab RSS Feeds of those 20 blogs and submit them to 25 RSS Feed directories such as Badrss, Feedagg, 1000sites, Feedage etc.
  5. When you are done submitting you will have 3000 backlinks.
This is how we calculate that:

20 Blogs * 2 Posts* 3 Links = 120 Backlinks
120 Backlings * 25 RSS Feeds = 3000
You can increase this by adding more articles, links and RSS Feeds but if you have a new site I would not recommend doing that. Google will be suspicious of your techniques and you might get banned so be careful. Use this technique wisely and you will find success.
Please leave your comments about How To Get 3000 Backlinks In One Day

Thursday 21 April 2011

Quick and Easy method For Getting Google Adsense Approval

AdSense is undoubtedly the best PPC program. Every blogger prefers Google AdSense not just because it pays more money per click, it is because the ads are very relevant to your blog content and thus increases your CTR. Today i am going to share a post about the quick and easy method for getting Google AdSense approval.
Quick Easy Method For Google AdSense Approval
As of many other bloggers, i had tried for the AdSense approval using two of my sites and got the negative results. Every time i apply, they say “Your application has been rejected” and i got fed up of applying. I had seriously stopped thinking about AdSense and had no hope on  it.
I started to read the forums where many of them said that they got approved through the Google AdSense revenue sharing sites. But most of them said they were not approved. I decided to give myself one more last chance and got registered at Indyarocks. But still i did not have a hope that i would get approved. Indyarocks really works and not at all a scam as you can see my approval.
There are many of the other AdSense revenue sharing sites like HubpagesIndyarocksFlixyaetc., but i opted for Indyarocks.
How to get approved:
First register at Indyarocks. Then you have to meet their minimum requirements criteria. i.e. you have to complete the following details:
  • Your profile must be 50% complete. This means you should update your basic information such as name, address, phone no, favorite movies etc.,
  • Then you should upload your picture for the profile and not any other non–elated photo.
  • Then you should upload a minimum of 10 photos in your profile. You can upload any of the pictures that’s taken by you.
Note: Uploading of copyrighted, celebrities, nudity or not allowed.
  • You should write a minimum of 2 blog posts. After completing these things you are eligible for applying for AdSense. But Google may not approve you, just for 2 blog posts. Here is what i have done to get my AdSense approved.
I had registered on 19th November and had completed my profile. I started to write blog posts and had written 6 blog post before applying for AdSense and a total of 8 posts were written before i got approved.
Here is a screen shot of what i had done. Joined on 19th and sent for approval on 27th November and got approved by 29th November.
Gmail Inbox
These area some of the basic tips that you can follow and i assure you that you can get approved.
  • Finish their minimum requirements criteria.
  • Do not submit for AdSense approval with only 2 blog posts. Try to write 8 to 10 blog posts and then apply for AdSense.
  • archives 150x150Writing 8 to 10 posts does not mean that finish 10 posts in 2 days and submit. You should write a minimum of 1 or 2 posts per day so that you can wait for 7 days before submitting.
  • Once you decide to go for AdSense approval you need to submit an application to Indyarocks, which will be reviewed by their team and once approved you will be sent an email to provide AdSense details.
  • After you complete AdSense form the rest is left to Googlewhether to approve or not.
  • Write a better content and let it be in your own words. Do not copy paste the post. Google may reject you.
After doing these things i got approved within 10 days of joining Indyarocks. If you desperately want to get approved by Google AdSense, then try this method.
If you have any problems regarding Google AdSense approval then i am pleased to help you. You can express your difficulties via comments.

Google Adsense Genuine Account Approval Tips Tricks Using Flixya 2011

Google Adsense Genuine Account Approval Tips Tricks Using Flixya 2011
1. Go To and Click Signup and Join
2.  Update Your Complete Profile Information
3.  Upload Any Photos or Pictures From Internet source or Own , Minimum 10 PhotosUpload
4.  Add Minimum 10 Youtube Videos Embed Codes and Add Video Details, Name , Tag
5.  And Add Minimum 5 Blog Post , and Apply Adsense Account in Flixya Monetize Page
6. You Receive Adsense Apply Link , Click That Link and Fill Your Details Correctly
7. You Get adsense Account With in 2 to 3 Days
8. If Rejected Any Reason , Don’t Worry, Resubmit Once again, Confirm Get Approval Because Flixya Powered by Google Adsense
Best of Luck,

Adsense Domain Approval- Free !

Earlier when Google launched the adsense program, blogspot used to be the best way to get an adsense account, but now because of huge demand of Adsense , Google is not entertaining adsense account from blogSpot domain easily. The most common response from adsense is Issue with page type. Though adsense approval process for blogspot is easy and feasible for many.
There is a simple trick which you can use to get your adsense account approved for blogspot domain quickly.
If your blogspot account have sufficient number of post (minimum 5+) then it’s easy to get your adsense account approved. If you have personal domain and host chances of adsense approval is very high.
Now the question is,

How you can get a free domain name?

There are many web services which provide you free domain names and that will be very handy for you to get your Google adsense account approved easily.
In this trick I will take an example of domain.
Register yourself by going to domain registration page.
Select your free domain name, I will suggest use the same domain name which you have on blogspot.
Suppose if you have domain name as then search for the availability of
Activate your account and login to your account and click on Set up>> manage domain
Select Zone record and in the host column enter your domain name
Now select CNAME for Type and enter on the value field.
By now you have done setting up your domain and it’s time now to set up your blogspot blog for the same.

How to redirect your blogspot blog to custom domain?

blogspot switching custom domain 300x48
Login to your blogspot account, under settings>publishing, selectSwitch to custom domain
  • Now enter your domain name in the field and click on save.
  • It will take one to two days to take settings in effect.
  • As soon as your blog is redirected domain , apply for adsense again.
  • Some time Google adsense reject the application, the key word is resubmit your application.
Even I got my adsense account approved after almost 15 resubmission.

7 Tips To Improve Your Blog Rank

7 Tips To Improve Your Blog Rank

Improve blog ranking and marketing is no longer kids stuff. It’s beyond the sappy diary entries and angst fueled rants. It’s serious business, especially if your goal is to b>make money blogging for your business. Blog marketing is more powerful than static site marketing mainly because of all the options Web 2.0 offers. Below are some things you can do to take advantage of what web 2.0 has to offer to increase blog traffic, links and engine ranking.
1. Tag you̢۪re it!
If you are not tagging your posts, start now. Tags make it easier for people to find your blog post, and video and photos that are related. You can write the most informative blog in your niche but if it can not be found it can not get read. Tag your posts.
2. Get exposed
Do you wonder how some large news and content sites deliver their headlines? Syndicate with RSS. While using the feed that comes with your blog may seem like an ok option, using a custom feed, that specifically separates keyword groups for content you develop frequently, is a far better option. Syndicating with RSS increases your exposure. Pheedpress, available from Content Desk is a great tool for this.
3. Forget me not
Social Bookmarking allows users to save and categorize a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with others. Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others.
Bookmarking is an easy way to improve blog ranking and get traffic; the more you do it the more you’ll be noticed. Ideally, your site should be bookmarked somewhere in all the major bookmarking engines. But having your entire site booked in just a few can greatly increase blog traffic.
4. Get involved
Much like the tip above, adding comments is a great way to sprinkle your links around. Note however, your comment must be informative and relate to the original post. Bloggers will grant your trackbacks when your comments are on topic and useful.
5. Digging for treasure and Digg-like sites take stories from users and post them on the site. Users then vote on them and decide which get dugg and which are buried. If you are dugg it can result in a flood of traffic.
6. Get connected
Social networks like Myspace can be found in virtually everywhere corner of the web. They are great places to meet like minded people and above all receive valuable links from.
Article syndication is still one of the most popular ways to get links. Well-written content that serves the reader first then your business will receive rewards. This is the type of content that is read, passed on, and linked to. Writing content gives you links as well as branding you as an authority figure in your niche.
Publishing on a blog platform gives you the opportunity to reach a greater quantity of people faster than a static site. Use the above tips to take full advantage of all the rewards blogging can have on your business and to be able to make money blogging.

Dofollow Forum PR-3

List 71 Dofollow Forum PR-3

This is new listing for dofollow forum.
71 site forum with dofollow backlink and with pagerank 3
Check It Out….

Pagerank Alexa Pages Indexed Backlink Checker

There are a few special tools-ons that can be used to identify like pagerank, alexa rank, indexed pages, and also the number of backlinks leading to our site.
One that I recommend is WebRank Toolbar.
This tool will display the otomoatis any data from sites that are opened in Firefox browser.
Information like:
- Google PageRank
- Alexa Rank
- Compete Rank
- Quantcast Rank
- Indexed Pages (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
- Backlink From Search Engine
(Google, Bing, Yahoo)
- And more
Download this tool from , use search menu and enter “Webrank Toolbar”.
- Download this tool.
- Install to Firefox.
- Restart your Firefox
Now you have auto checker in your Firefox and give you many information.
Happy blogging, get more backlink and always check you blog with this tool. It can give you new spirits, right?.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources

In this post we present an ultimate collection of resources, tools and tips to help you make the most out of Google AdSense. Among other things, this post covers various Google AdSense tools, Firefox-extensions, WordPress-plugins and related resources.
Please feel free to suggest related tools in the comments to this post. You may also be interested in our post Google AdSense: Facts, FAQs and Tools that was published two years ago.

1. Google AdSense Tools

iPhone AdSense Statistics Application
SenseApp is a program that lets you track your Google Adsense earnings on your Apple iPhone.
Iphone in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
AdSense Earnings Tool
Free and fast tool to monitor adsense earnings in realtime. This tool posts all the correct post fields to Googles universal Account Services login and collects information about your earnings. You’ll able to see today, yesterday, this month and since last payment earnings. You don’t need to log in to Google anymore.
Ads2 in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Google AdSense Toolbox
Type any web page URL (e.g. or keywords (e.g. web development), select a country (optional) and hit Enter to see the latest Google Ads that are contextual and geo-targeted.
Google AdSense Preview Tool
an addition to the right-click menu for Windows Internet Explorer 6.x, allowing you to preview the ads that may show on any webpage. With just a few clicks, you can see what ads may appear on your new webpages, or make an educated decision on whether to add AdSense to your existing site pages.
Google Search-Based Keyword Tool
The search-based keyword tool allows you to find high-paying keywords to target, based on the domain name you specify.
Search-based-kw-tool in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Google Traffic Estimator
The Google Traffic Estimator is an easy way to determine the search volume of certain keywords, and it shows related keywords and their volumes as well.
SpyFu allows you to look up any website and see how much it is spending on AdSense, how it ranks for each keyword, and which keywords it buys. The tool is quite useful for researching competitors.
Spyfu in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Identify and block low-paying advertisers and increase ROI with AdSense.

2. Google AdSense Online Tools

Contextual Ads Preview/Comparison Tool
This comparison tools comes in handy when you compare AdSense ads to those of other advertisement services (Chitika, Yahoo). You also have the ability to customize the colors and view what ads a certain URL would be likely to display.
Col in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Google AdSense Calculator
This AdSense Calculator is designed to help you to predict changes in your earnings depending on improvement (or deterioration) of Page Impressions, Click Through Rate and Cost Per Click. You can download further calculators here.
Calc in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
During the search, people use different keywords. Using this tool, you can find the most effective words before deciding what content to include on your page. Not free, but the free trial is available.
Traffic Estimator Sandbox
To use this tool, you need an AdWords account. This traffic estimator helps you to figure out what keywords result in the highest paying AdSense ads (more details onuphook).
Est in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
While Pubmatic isn’t strictly an AdSense tool, it will definitely help you earn more money from your website by optimizing your ads. With each page view, Pubmatic determines whether showing an AdSense ad or an ad from a different network would be best, based on the CPM.
Pubm in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
AlterNut Ad
Instead of earning nothing from the PSA ads that Google fills the page with when it has no ads to show, earn a set fee by giving AlterNut Ad your unused PSA ads.

3. Google AdSense Firefox Extensions

AdSense Notifier
This extension displays your AdSense earnings in the status bar.
AdSense Preview
Check what Google ads would be displayed if they were shown on a particular page with this preview tool.
Ff in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Money Quake
Money Quake allows you to see your real-time earnings for many popular advertising programs, including AdSense.
Quake in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
GraphSense gives you a visual look at your AdSense reports by adding graphs to the interface. As of this post, the extension is still classified as “experimental,” so you’ll have to log in to Mozilla to install it.
Graphsense in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources

4. Official AdSense Resources

Google has provided some official tools and resources to help publishers get started with AdSense.
Google AdSense Help Center
A database of questions and answers about the AdSense program.
Help in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Inside AdSense Blog
The official AdSense blog. Find news, tips and other features about the ad system here.
AdSense Community Forum
Have an AdSense question? Ask a community of publishers and the AdSense team.
Official Optimization Tips
A collection of tips provided by the AdSense team.
Official AdSense Channel on YouTube
Instructional videos and interviews by successful AdSense publishers.
Interest-based advertising with Google AdSense
Just recently Google announced the launch of interest-based advertising. This help section addresses the new mechanism and explains how you can benefit from it.

5. Getting Started with AdSense

Because of the popularity of AdSense, many so-called “experts” out there try to give “inside information” or sell their secrets in the form of ebooks. If you’re truly a beginner to AdSense, use the official AdSense help database that Google provides.
Here are some “getting started” articles by a few trusted authors.
Problogger’s AdSense Tips for Bloggers
Darren Rowse’s excellent eight-part series will get you well on your way to making money from AdSense.
Adsense-tips-for-bloggers in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Effective AdSense Link Units Optimization
A great rundown of the different types of link units and how they’re best used in a website layout.
Ultimate-beginner S-guide in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Where Should I Place Google Ads on my Page?
The Google AdSense team has made a helpful map showing the different regions of a website layout where AdSense units perform the best.

6. Optimization Tips

Like any ad system, AdSense can be optimized to generate more clicks and revenue. Here are some tips to help boost AdSense performance.
Adsense Success Stories
Several examples of websites that increased their earnings significantly with Adsense. The success stories talk a lot about ad optimization, etc.
Google AdSense Tips
Google Blogscoped provides an excellent collection of AdSense tips based on its experience with implementing Google ads.
Google-blogscoped-adsense in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
My top 5 tips for increasing adsense earnings (without increasing traffic)
Experiment with color and position, use different adverts for different dates, use content targeting, referrals and take care of the SEO.
Bina in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Eye-Tracking Studies by Jakob Nielsen
Great eye-tracking examples that show where users’ eyes start and end up on a page.
Eye in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
Adsense Tips, Layout Optimization Tricks for Higher CTR
A collection of excellent do’s and don’ts for new publishers, as well as advice for more advanced AdSense users.
Rotate Google AdSense Ad Colors : Reduce Ad Blindness
One of the many enemies of publishers who rely on ads is banner blindness. Rotating ad colors is a good way to combat banner blindness, resulting in more clicks on ads.
Google AdSense Tips, Tricks and Secrets
Popular SEO blogger Michael Gray has an extensive post on various AdSense tips and performance boosters.
Adsense-tips-tricks-secrets in 100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources
How to Display Ads Only to Search Visitors
Click-through ratios are much higher if you show your AdSense units only to visitors who were referred by search engines. Here’s an article on how to implement that functionality on your website.
Using the Competitive Ad Filter to Increase AdSense Earnings
Learn how to block made-for-AdSense websites as competitors, allowing only the best and most relevant ads to show on your units.
100 Google AdSense Tips
While this article is a few years old, it still has some very valuable tips on how to optimize Google AdSense. Perfect for the beginner.